Please read this agreement carefully before proceeding. If you use this site to order, you will be considered that agree to comply with the terms set out below. And please also read our Privacy Policy regarding personal information provided to you.
The total contents on the website of dyoart belong exclusively to dyoart and you can not use, reproduce, copy, modify, transmit, display, publish, sell, license, publicly perform, distribute and exploit any of the contents without dyoart’s agree or its express prior written consent. Besides, you are not allowed to use dyoart contents and discredit dyoart in any way that is likely to cause confusion or violation of any applicable laws or regulations. You can merely use the contents for your personal information and for shopping and ordering on the site. All software used on this site is the property of dyoart and its software suppliers. The compilation, the content, and the software are all protected under the state, national and international copyright laws. dyoart reserves the right of final interpretation and all rights not expressly granted and violators will receive legal punishment.
Our Company will not be responsible, obligated, or liable for any physical injury occurring from an application or use of its products, whether along or in connection with other products, as a result of this order’s acceptance. Our firm will not be liable for weight or quantity errors unless a claim is made by Buyer within five days of receipt of shipment and accompanied by an authentic transportation bill signed by carrier stating that the carrier got the goods from our company in the condition claimed. If Buyer makes a timely claim, and our company finds it true, our firm may fulfill its obligation by shipping the quantity required to make good the deficiency, or, at our discretion, crediting Buyer with the invoice price of the deficiency.
Taxes and Import/Export Licenses
Taxes are not included in the prices. Unless Buyer obtains a valid exemption certificate acceptable to the taxation authorities or Our Company is prohibited by law from collecting said taxes from Buyer, taxes are paid by the buyer upon invoice from Our Company. The Buyer is responsible for obtaining import or export permissions.
Applicable Law
When completing your purchase, a billing statement including ‘dyoart.com’ and the country code such as 'HK’,'UK’, etc. would be displayed on the payment page and/or your card statement.
All purchases will be processed by our respective entity in the corresponding country as indicated by the country code in the billing statement and are governed by the Local Law.
If the parties do not reach an agreement within 30 days of the occurrence of the dispute, they agree to submit the dispute to the UK International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration, which will be conducted in accordance with the Commission's arbitration rules in effect at the time of the application for arbitration. Both parties are bound by the arbitral awards, which are final and binding.
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